Friday, October 21, 2011

Leadership Style

Well , let me start out by saying that I am a Visual learner, I am able to see or read something and learn it, I’m the type of person that can read something in a text book, process that information, and recall it on demand.  I picked up MS access in 2 weeks, just by sitting down and reading this giant database developer’s Bible, not everyone is like this, some of my co-workers have had that very same book for years and still don’t get it.
   This is beneficial to my leadership in various ways; I can process information relatively quick, such as legal, financial, and technical specifications, and in turn break it down for others.

I would say that the two complementary team skills that are most prevalent are “Follow Thru” and “Quick Start”.

I am a “Follow Thru” because I always have a plan, it may not be a very well thought out plan, nor may it qualify as a good plan, but I need to have some idea as to why I moving.  This to me is a very valuable quality, especially when working with others, if there isn’t a central idea or direction that everyone is working towards, nothing will get done.  It like a sports team, they must work together or they’re going to lose.  I’m also very good at reconciling different ideas and view points, I can listen to a room full people, each stepping over each other, process the good from the bad, and combine it into a half decent idea.

I also say that I’m a “Quick Start” because I’m constantly in motion, always willing to try something new, and change directions if needed.  If we can’t come up with a good plan that everyone agrees on, I’m the guy who can get everyone to rally on the one aspect we have a consensus on and move in that direction, then we’ll take it from there. 

I put a lot of trust on my team members, this has back fired in the past, but I’m not one to micromanage, I have a certain expectation that everyone will carry their own weight as best they can.   At the end of the day, I’m also willing to stay up all night a pick up the slack, and get it done.

1 comment:

  1. A nice mix of skills that should do well for you in school and at work.

    What's your feedback on team projects in classes? How much do you get out of them vs smaller, independent work?
